evolve ky

desktop mockup of evolve ky's website

Web Design

Evolve KY


Evolve KY is a Louisville-based nonprofit that helps sponsor electric vehicle chargers in public locations around the city. They also host a number of educational events to encourage more people to go electric. Evolve KY approached our team about rebranding and creating some new outreach deliverables. They also expressed a need for an updated website that they could maintain without professional help.

  • Team Members

  • Maddie Kapfhammer

  • Sean Riley

  • Ash Stone

  • Taylor Shaw

laptop mockup of Evolve KY's homepage
mobile mockups of Evolve KY's homepage


Evolve KY wanted changing to electric vehicles to seem more approachable to people, citing that many find the idea of switching too complicated. For this reason, our team developed a fun illustration approach to unify the rebrand, and focused on forms of outreach in our deliverables, both physical and digital.

stylized illustration of Louisville's skyline
mockup of Evolve KY's brand standards guide showing the new secondary logo mark
mockup of Evolve KY's brand standards guide showing cloud illustrations
mockup of Evolve KY's brand standards guide outlining the illustrations and characters created for them

Website Redesign

While the rebrand and art style was developed as a team effort, the website redesign was primarily my responsibility. We met with the client a few times to determine their needs from a website service and chose to use Wix for its ease of use. From here a new site map was developed with emphasis on the website's main goal: gaining new members. Evolve also expressed a desire for a more mobile-friendly website than they had previously had.

image of the proposed new sitemap, where the 'join' page is called out in gold
laptop mockup of Evolve KY's 'why EVs' page
mobile mockups of several of Evolve KY's webpages
graphic of Evolve KY's new secondary mark over some illustrative assets

Final Design

After archiving the old website, Evolve KY's domain was pointed at the new website at evolveky.org. Using Wix, we made a number of SEO improvements and the new website has received a great deal more organic traffic. Evolve KY was a wonderful client to work with and redesigning their website was a pleasure.